Hi all,
Wondering if someone can please possibly put me right.
Since upgrading to Vsphere 4.1, We in the process of serching all datastores for any Orphaned VMDK files.
I have got the script from the below page to complete, however it appears to list out Several Currently live servers.
Can anyone advise why this may be happening or is there a better more current script to check for Orphaned VMDKs....?
It also seems to think that the .VMDKs for our all of our ESX hosts are also orphaned which im sure cannot be correct.
********13-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********12-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********11-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********10-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********09-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********08-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********06-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********05-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********04-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********03-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********02-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
********01-local Orphaned VMDK Found: esxconsole.vmdk
Cheers all