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  • 1.  Oracle VM to VMware vSphere

    Posted Jan 16, 2013 02:05 AM


    In spite of having enterprise vsphere environment, we still have a separate OracleVM for the reason of Oracle licensing.

    It does not support sub-capacity licensing on VMware (e.g. Cores the are physically present in vSphere host will have to be licensed for Oracle RAC).

    With RAC, all nodes are both in active-active in Oracle VM.

    In view of this, its been a stumbling block for us having those oracle application & db VM be migrated to vSphere infrastructure.

    I have 2 nodes of Oracle VM on top of BL460 G7 blades with 96GB of RAM.

    1. How am I justify that moving it to vSphere with the same nodes configuration and dedicated cluster will be the same licensing with Oracle?

    2. Is it posible to build a 2 nodes vSphere cluster with just 2 cores on each node or it depends on the hardware specs?

    3. How beneficial for us moving those 2 nodes Oracle VM to VMware vSphere?


  • 2.  RE: Oracle VM to VMware vSphere

    Posted Jan 16, 2013 12:04 PM


    we have nearly the same situation. We build a seperate Datacenter for our Oracle Hosts. Because if you only build a new Cluster, you could easily move your vm´s from one cluster to another with vmotion without shut them down.

    So we build a extra Datacenter with a new cluster build on two hosts. We discuss that with oracle and the solution was fine. But to be safe, ask your oralce partner.

    Your benefit is, that you can move your vm´s from one host to another.


  • 3.  RE: Oracle VM to VMware vSphere

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 02:25 AM

    How about the licensing issue on the core?

    Warmest Regards,


  • 4.  RE: Oracle VM to VMware vSphere

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 10:05 AM

    You have to license each of your cores.


    Am 17.01.2013 um 03:25 schrieb Bernard Ramiro <<>>:

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    Oracle VM to VMware vSphere

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