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  • 1.  Oracle P2V CPU 100% after import

    Posted Mar 10, 2008 09:14 PM

    After I migrated my Oracle 10g Windows 2k3 box to a virtual server, the oracle.exe process in task manager eats up all the CPU I throw at it, even when there are no users on. The CPU stays taxed at 100% with the oracle.exe process taking up all of it. I have over 10Ghz of processor allocated to it right now.

    Does Oracle have hardware dependancies that would cause this issue?

    Also, I am not able to view the performance of this VM in the VC Client.

  • 2.  RE: Oracle P2V CPU 100% after import

    Posted Mar 11, 2008 02:46 PM

    You should check under device manager (show all hidden devices) as well as add/remove programs. Check msconfig for services and startups. Look for anything such as ATI video driver. Possibly raid drivers. Or HP nic software. Etc. Anything that came over from the physical source machine that is no longer required in a virtual machine and could potentially cause issues.

  • 3.  RE: Oracle P2V CPU 100% after import

    Posted Mar 13, 2008 09:34 AM

    Hi i have a problem with oracle and P2V, i moved my Phisical Machine from W2k3 with oracle... the problem is when i start the oracle service it works, but when i try to connect to SQLplus it warms me whith a message

    ORA-01033 : ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

    But the service is started!!

    and also what i want to do is put all the oracle files to a RAW or Iscsi Software LUN direct to Netapp Filer

    any ideas?