I am working with a test environment and familiarizing myself with some of the more advanced options of VMWare.
Right now, in our lab, I have a server that has a ton of direct attached storage. We have a SAN budgeted for the end of this year, but in the meantime, I would like to use that server as a SAN-substitute.
I am looking for the cleanest way to do this under ESXi 5, preferably without spending additional money. We have licenses for VSA, but it appears that I cannot use VSA without more than one server in a cluster - which I do not have. Is there a way to leverage VSA without creating a VSA cluster?
Is there a clean way to do this within the VMWare infrastructure that does not involve using something like FreeNAS or a similar solution, which will end up creating giant VMDK files that I have to deal with? I mean, I could stand up a virtual server with a huge VMDK attached and install one of the software solutions to give me iSCSI targets, but it hardly seems elegant. I could simply install FreeNAS on the bare metal server, but then I lose the use of the server to host virtual machines.
Forgive me if this is elementary - I did some searching first. I'm just looking for a way to use the datastore(s) on this machine for other servers that do not have much storage.