Thanks for the feedback on the appliance.
For your first question, here's a workaround (I'll have to find an easier way to recover from this/prevent this from happening in the first place).
1. Login to the virtual machine either via SSH or at the console (onr/onrpassword by default)
2. At the prompt, execute: mysql -u onruser -p onr
When prompted, enter the database password for onruser: d00DZ!!p1zz@
3. At the mysql> prompt, enter: update authentication set online = 0;
4. Try to login to the web interface.
For the second question, there's a pretty simple explanation: I did not include the DHCP server portion of the system because I did not feel what I had at the time of submission would be useful even for testing purposes.
I intend to release a more complete version that includes functionality on both the DNS and DHCP sides.
Thanks again for testing!