Properties i would like to have best way would be in this format:
Created by: Twain, Mark
Name: Name of Snapshot
Description: bla bla bla bla.
Snapshot size: 32282MB
All was extracted from email body:
$MailText = @"
This is a reminder that you have a snapshot active on $($snapshot.VM) which was taken on $($snapshot.Created).
Created by: $($(Find-User $SnapshotInfo.Creator)
Email: $($(Find-User $SnapshotInfo.Creator).Properties.mail)
Name: $($snapshot.Name)
Description: $($snapshot.Description)
Snapshot size: $([math]::Round($snapshot.SizeMB))MB
$msg.Body = $MailText
and reffered afterwards
But if not i am more than happy have them formatted in a table view (as soon as all of them are with exactly what we want)
When i have changed this selection to this for example
$msg.Body = $report | Select Creator, Description, Created, Vm SizeMB | ConvertTo-Html
i recieved blank email :smileysad:
did also try without HTML formatting but no details either...
$msg.IsBodyHtml = $false
$msg.Body = $report | Select Creator, Description, Created, Vm SizeMB
Any suggestions :smileyhappy:
(no errors while running script)