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NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

  • 1.  NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 05, 2021 06:01 AM


    I'm syncing NTP for vCenter from the Firewall, ESXi also sync from the same firewall only that vCenter is 6 hours ahead while ESXi are syncing fine, not sure what is going on.

    vCenter NTP -

    ESXi NTP -

    vCenter NTP Check -

    vCenter logging out evey now and then -

    vCenter logging out evey now and then -

    I have set the vCenter to 1440 minutes in vSphere-ui and restarted all services, but it did not help.

    Thank you

  • 2.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 05, 2021 07:50 AM

    Is the VCSA added to domain ?  If yes please check the AD time   if they are in sync .

    Check   messages log  and attach . 

  • 3.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 05, 2021 08:41 AM

    The VCSA is not joined to a domain, the ESXi hosts are, nonetheless which log should I check for.

    I have uploaded the complete vpxd.log here :


  • 4.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 05, 2021 09:26 PM

    Hust something I noticed, I'm able to assign vmnics to DVSwitch the 1st time I log into vCenter, and thats the only time I can move the vmnics once I try to move them after that they just time out, not sure whats causing this.

  • 5.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 01:42 PM

    Anyone ?

  • 6.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:15 PM

    I just noticed that the 1st time I set the NTP the time synchronizes fine, but on reboot it mismatches and goes ahead by 6 hours.

  • 7.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:24 PM

    What is your time zone?

  • 8.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:27 PM

    The time zone in Firewall is UTC, same as ESXi, and in vCenter its Etc/Utc

  • 9.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:30 PM

    In that case I'd swap the timezone and swap it back and see if that helps.

  • 10.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:32 PM

    Also based on your images this looks like it may be a lap, try another timesource and see if its the same, something like If that works switch it back and see if it readjusts.

  • 11.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:34 PM

    I have set to UTC for all devices because of ESXi as I don't know, and could not find, how to get the ESXi to show the time from NTP.

    My city time is GMT +1 but ESXi does not seem to sync accordingly.

    I'll try out what you have mentioned..

  • 12.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:38 PM

    Not sure whats going on soon as I login into vCenter Manageent (5480) I can see the time syncing properly then it logs out abruptly then once I log back in the time is mismatched.

    I'm setting time to GMT +1 in vCenter then will check applmgmt.log to see whats going on.

  • 13.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:47 PM

    Isn't that a 6 hour difference GMT +1 to Etc? The times you see when you logon are adjusting based on the what the webbrowser sends as the time zone, at least I'm pretty sure, don't have one far enough away to check.

  • 14.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 07, 2021 05:32 AM

    I could not get vCenter to show the appropriate time zone, so I manually set it to a time zone that shows time according to my time zone (I set it to GMT +4).

    As for ESXi I'm not understanding how its suppose to get its time. By default its set to UTC and its time zone cannot be changed, my time is UTC and is UTC +1 when Daylight Saving Timezone (DST) is active, which is set in Firewall and Server, however, ESXi does not seem to be picking this from NTP and keeps on showing UTC time without DST.

    So what am I not understanding ?!

  • 15.  RE: NTP Syncing 6 hours ahead, ESXi from same source show proper time..

    Posted May 06, 2021 07:29 PM

    specifically make sure your firewall vcenter timezone is correct and your firewall one is using UTC time, which is probably is. ESXi host alway do UTC and vcenter does have the timezone option, make sure they are properly set