Customer is planning to NSX-V migration to NSX-T with ESXi HW refresh with 7.x installation and vCenter upgrade to 7.x
Customer has mix of Static Route and OSPF for DLR/ESG as well as ESG/External.
Q: Will Migration Coordinator 3.x work if NSX-V environment has both static route plus OSPF?
Q: If manual migration will be needed, how import can be done?
Q: How Edge will be migrated in Life & shift for Modular Migration in Migration Coordinator 3.x?
Q: Also upgrading vCenter from 6.7 to 7.x with HW refresh of each ESXi. What should be the optimum sequence of these tasks
1- vCenter Upgrade to 7.x (NSX-V will remain 6.4.6)
2- Installation of NSX-T Manager and Edge nodes in the new Cluster with new HW on ESXi 7.x
3- Importing of NSX-V configuration either using Migration coordinator if it support static route+OSPF on NSX-V Life & shift for Modular Migration in Migration Coordinator 3.x
OR manual adding all NSX-V configuration in NSX-T
Q: Any idea How Edge will me migrated in Life & shift for Modular Migration in Migration Coordinator 3.x?