VMware NSX

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  • 1.  NSX-T disk usage

    Posted Aug 21, 2020 01:49 PM


    I got the below alert on my NSX 3.0. Do I need to increase the disk or remove the files  ?

  • 2.  RE: NSX-T disk usage
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 21, 2020 02:42 PM

    Hey vSohill​,

    I would recommend you to delete some old logs and in case you have any Syslog to redirect them there.

    Please keep monitoring this as it could be possible that the rotation of your logs stopped working. There was an issue previously in NSX-T related with the root password to be expired but as you have version 3.0 this should not be affecting you. However here is the KB that describes the issue for you to have it: VMware Knowledge Base