I am new to NSX world and I am quite confused about this two statements below. I can't able to visualize it.
1. A transport node can have multiple NSX virtual switches. A transport node can thus attach to multiple overlays and VLAN transport zones.
- When it says NSX virtual switches it means N-VDS? Let's say I have one Overlay-TZ-1 and two TNs (TN-A and TN-B), so if I create two segments (Seg-A and Seg-B), I would have N-VDS-Seg-A and N-VDS-Seg-B realized on TN-A and TN-B?
2. A transport zone can only be attached to a single NSX virtual switch on a given transport node. In other words, two NSX virtual switches on the same transport node cannot be attached to the same transport zone.
- If TN-A and TN-B is part of TZ-1, when this statement comes into picture? Does it mean that N-VDS-Seg-A and N-VDS-Seg-B cannot be attached to Overlay-TZ-1?