When trying to sort out an issue with Change Block Tracking, we have removed some files attempting to start fresh, among these would be the .vmxf file, thie is now preventing any future backups from taking place. Is there a way that we can recreate the .vmxf file so that backups can then resume to normal? There currently exists no backup and I have already tried the VM Files Restore Wizard but have been unsucessfull becuase of my previous point. Is there a way to recreate the .VMXF file?
Error: DiskLib error: [16].No file exists for given path -- File open failed: Could not find the file --tr:Failed to start file downloading. VMFS path: [[*****-SYN-001] ***-VM-006/***-VM-006.vmxf]. --tr:NFC storage connection is unavailable. Storage: [stg:datastore-2339,nfchost:host-13,conn:192.168.**.**]. Storage display name: [*****-SYN-001]. Failed to create NFC download stream. NFC path: [nfc://conn:192.168.**.**,nfchost:host-13,stg:datastore-2339@***-VM-006/***-VM-006.vmxf]. Failed to backup file.