Hi All,
I have a supermicro server with 4 NIC's on board. I have 1 NIC for the management network, and 2 NIC's I want to passthrough to a VM for direct access. I go into hardware and enable the passthrough for the 2 that I want and they are listed as Active (see attached).
When I power on the VM, it powers on just fine and everything inside the VM operates as normal, except for when the NICs become active, it totally destabilizes the management network to esxi. I have verified this by running a ping against the management NIC continuously and can see the moment the VM's NICs become active, I no longer have "stable" access to the management network. I have also tried putting the passed through NICs in a Windows 10 VM and the same thing happens there, so I know it's not the VM that was doing it. My question.. is it possible that vmware can't separate these NICs? I'm wondering if it is like an all or nothing.. everything in the IOMMU group has to get passed through or nothing, even though it is allowing me to pass through individual NICs. Also, when viewing the ping status, if I shutdown the VM.. the ping resumes normally.
edit: Just re-read what I wrote.. No, I am not passing through the NIC that is on the management network, just in case anyone was wondering. There are spots of activity where I can do things, but it is really not stable when the other NICs are passed through.
Have been beating my head on this all day.. hopefully someone with some fresh eyes can give me some insight.