How many nics do you have on your esxi host? Are you having all traffic (VM and storage) on the same subnet/vlan? Did you attempt to storage vMotion/run all VMs from the NFS mount?
Looking through the vmkernel logs, i'm seeing this:
2023-08-03T16:45:36.451Z cpu0:1050726 opID=470aa073)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIMountSet:413: NFS41_FSMount failed: Timeout
2023-08-03T16:45:36.452Z cpu4:1049135)SunRPC: 1092: Destroying world 0x100fb8
Timeouts indicate network connectivity layer issue (try changing network cables)
2023-08-03T18:45:40.071Z cpu0:1051656 opID=33c5bb13)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41FileDoCreateDir:3981: Failed to process the create directory task: Read only
2023-08-03T18:45:40.071Z cpu0:1051656 opID=33c5bb13)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41FileOpCreateFile:4265: Failed to create file "test" of type 2: Read only
Failed to create tasks sounds like a permission issue on your NFS export in unraid.
Closer to today's date, it looks like logs are showing
2023-08-08T13:51:07.879Z cpu2:1082548)WARNING: NFS: 2581: Failed to get attributes (No connection)
Did you make some network related changes that doesnt allow your VMK1 interface to talk to the NFS mount?