I have 8 ESXi hosts. I do a fresh install from the installable CD directly to 4u1.
We have another 2-node cluster with a working Nexus 1000v primary & secondary. Everything's up and running.
I installed 6 hosts and everything worked great, migrated them to the Nexus DVS, and VUM installed the modules.
I did the 7th host, and when I tried to migrate it to the DVS, it failed with the following error:
Cannot complete a Distributed Virtual Switch operation for one or more host memebers.
DVS Operation failed on host , error durring the configuration of the host: create dvswitch failed with the following error message: SysinfoException: Node (VSI_NODE_net_create) ; Status(bad0003)= Not found ; Message = Instance(0): Inpute(3) DvsPortset-0 256 cisco_nexus_1000v got (vim.fault.PlatformConfigFault) exception
Then, I tried to do host 8, and got the exact same problem. It worked about 15 minutes prior when I did host 6, nothing changed, then went to host 7 and it failed.
If I try to remediate either of these two hosts, either patches or extensions, it fails.
Anyone else have these problems?