Good afternoon,
I had a question about the needed privilege regarding the installation of a Nexus 1000v.
Last week we were installing last version of Nexus1000v switch on ESXi 5.0.0 Releasebuild-721882.
After a first installation we noticed we could not establish the connection between the Nexus1000v and the vCenter [Error message => vCenter Extension key was not registered before its use].
The key was present on the Nexus 1000v but was not registred under the vCenter MOB (Extension manager).
We had to increase the privilege level of the service account (to vCenter admin) and re-install to get the extension key registred.
Cisco says we need to use vCenter user with administrator-level privileges to install the Nexus 1000v, but please find my questions :
1/ Is it possible to install a Nexus 1000v with "Datacenter" admin privilege (not vCenter admin). In general, what is the minimum possible privilege level to install a Nexus 1000v ?
2/ Once the privilege increased to vCenter admin and the install done, is it possible to decrease it back to a lower level privilege without impacting the Nexus 1000v ?
I am a network guy, not a server guy sorry if I am not clear in my questions :-)
Thanks in advance for your answers.