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  • 1.  Networking question

    Posted Oct 17, 2012 01:35 PM

    Greetings -

    We recently started looking into 5.1.  What is the best way to segment traffic internally?

    For example, I am looking to create a dozen or so vm groups that will need to talk to

    the vm in the group and *might* also need to talk to another vm in a different group;

    however, if they do that, then I would like to force the traffic to "go out and come back in".

    It seems like the ip groups/firewall only allow for an allow/drop firewall.  I would be

    looking for something that would have allow/drop/if external then route out...



  • 2.  RE: Networking question

    Posted Oct 17, 2012 03:09 PM

    You could always use a physical firwall upstream, with each group on it's own vlan and the firewall routing for each of the VLANs.