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  • 1.  network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 01:54 PM

    some virtual machine is shutting down the network card when moving virtual machine to another esxi host in the cluster. Can you give information about the reasons for this. esxi and vcenter version 5.1 u2

  • 2.  RE: network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 02:02 PM

    Need more information here. What exactly is happening? Is the NIC in a disconnected state at the VM? Is it connected but there is no outbound/inbound traffic? Does this happen when moving the VM to every host?

  • 3.  RE: network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 06:50 PM

    @ daphnissov

    Need more information here. Need more information here. Need more information here.  always same if you don't understand then don't write don't write.this site is not your writing and writing as if the problem is solved do not want your help. ok dont write please for me . I'm a novice. what am I doing here ?

  • 4.  RE: network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 07:15 PM

    Let us explain something to you since you're new here. This is place where people come to get help, for free, from others in the community in their spare time. In order to facilitate that, we need to understand your problem. If you don't explain yourself thoroughly and instead write one quick sentence and click post, you don't provide enough for us to help you. We cannot read your mind. We only know what is written, so if any member comments to say that you haven't provided enough information it isn't to be disparaging or insulting--you truly need to tell us more. Please have a read here for how to post in an online forum.

    How to ask a question

    Search the forums

    Before you post a question, please be sure that you've read the release  notes, the FAQ, searched the forums, and searched the internet.  You  might find the answer is readily available!

    Searching first gets you the answer faster and keeps the forums less cluttered, making it easier to find things in the future.

    Be clear and specific

    When you ask for help on the discussion forum, it's important that you  provide as much information as you can, so others can diagnose what's  wrong.

    Remember that what may be obvious to you, sitting in front of your  computer, may not be obvious to someone far across the internet.

    Please include the following information with your question:

    • Your exact product version
    • Your host OS: is 32-bit or 64-bit OS? On Linux, include the distribution and kernel version.
    • Your guest OS, with same details as for host.
    • How often do you see the problem (e.g. all the time, sometimes,  rarely, etc.), and if it had previously worked in the same setup (e.g.  same virtual machine, same computer)
    • What seems to trigger the problematic behavior
    • If there are any conditions where it does work
    • If troubleshooting a network issue, add the following:
      • Output from "ipconfig /all" (Windows) or "ifconfig -a" (Linux) from both the host and the guest OS
      • .vmx file from the virtual machine
      • How is your host connected to the network / Internet (cable modem, DSL, router, switch, wired, wireless, etc.)
      • How is networking configured for the guest (NAT, bridged, host-only)
    • If troubleshooting a disk issue, add the following:
      • .vmx file from the virtual machine
      • vmware.log file located in the VM folder
      • Complete directory listing of the VM folder, including file sizes (preferably in bytes).

    This is not an exhaustive list of useful information - if you have more  details that you think are relevant, be sure to include them.

  • 5.  RE: network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 02:03 PM

    "Shutting down the network card"- Does this mean you see NIC disabled inside guest OS? Or do you loose connectivity to the VM?

    Please confirm you have same portgroups configured on all your esxi hosts. And all physical switch ports to which your esxi hosts are connected are configured same.

  • 6.  RE: network card disable

    Posted Sep 24, 2018 06:52 PM

    sometimes The checkbox on nic is not checked when I migration the VMS.