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  • 1.  Need help with vCenter behind firewall using port forwarding

    Posted Feb 14, 2019 03:05 PM

    Im a total noob to vmware (managing).  I have used it for a class I took.

    I have a server (ESXi / vCenter 6.5) running behind a firewall.  I have ONLY 1 public IP and I want to be able to access the server and open VMs from outside my network.  I have added a port forward to reach the esxi server.  I can get to the screen where I select flash or html5, but then when I select either, the screen never loads, it times out.

    What ports do I need to forward to make this possible? OR is it even possible?

    Thanks in advance,


  • 2.  RE: Need help with vCenter behind firewall using port forwarding

    Posted Feb 15, 2019 09:25 AM


    Kindly check the TCP and UDP ports for the vSphere client: TCP and UDP Ports for the vSphere Client  (if you need to open console don't forget to second option)

    And you can using NAT to translate your private IP to public and access it from outside with the access rules needed.




  • 3.  RE: Need help with vCenter behind firewall using port forwarding

    Posted Feb 15, 2019 12:54 PM

    Thank you for the reply.  I have a FW rule that forwards as follows:

    my.outside.ip.address:25443 -> my.inside.ip.address:443

    my.outside.ip.address:902 -> my.inside.ip.address:902

    When I click on the HTML 5 OR Flash versions of the vSphere client I get a page telling me This Site Can't Be Reached.

    Even though the above links show, for some reason they are redirecting me to the internal IP address.

  • 4.  RE: Need help with vCenter behind firewall using port forwarding

    Posted Feb 15, 2019 02:04 PM

    can you monitor using your firewall if there is some records dropped or rejected when access your link. it will help you to detect the issue.

    most probably it is a network configuration issue because vsphere client only use 443 and 902 for remote console.