Dear Team,
Could someone please help me to understand What is Named Teaming Policy and How Exactly it works??
Named Teaming policy is only part of Edge Node or We can use the same on ESXi as well, Please asisst.
Thank you in advance...
Named teaming policy is used to steer vlan traffic over specific links, it can be used for both edge nodes and on host transport nodes.
We have 2 VLAns i.e 100 and 200, 100 is only propagated to ToR1 and 200 is only Propogated to ToR2 right ??
Name teaming policy is only applicable for external traffic(VLAN) or it can also be used for overlay...Please asisst
Named teaming policies are only for VLAN transport zones.
what all teaming policy can we use in the Named Teaming policy? for example failover OR load balance based on source, load balance based on source mac
Dear All,
Could someone please assist with the below query?