And here I thought this was an easy one.
1) Move 100+ VMs from one Cluster to another
2) Change network the guest is using
3) Move needs to be fast
1) Ensure LUNs from old Cluster are visible from new Cluster
2) Ensure proper VLANs are available
3) Ensure Tools are running
Since vMotion is not an option, a shutdown and startup is required. I put together the following simple script to shutdown guest; wait until machine is not running and do a Move-VM and Start-VM.
$vms = Import-CSVC:\Scripts\PowerCLI\CSmoveInput.csv
foreach ($vm in $vms){
$VMdestination = Get-VMHost $vm.tVMhost
$Network = $vm.tVLAN
Get-VM -Name $ | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -StartConnected:$true -Confirm:$false -NetworkName $Network
Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $ -Confirm:$false
while (Get-VMGuest $ | where{$_.State -eq "Running"})
echo "Machine is Still Running"
Sleep -Seconds 3
Write-Host $ is off
Move-VM -vm $ -Destination$VMdestination
Start-VM -vm $
Most of the time it works fine but too often I get "The operation is not allowed in the current state."
Is there a better way to ensure the VM is OFF?
Any help is greatly appreciated!