I didn't mean that to be aggressive and didn't realise the first sentence was in bold either. If you took it that way I sincerely apologise. I also didn't realise that the links to your site and channel were a signature either - a line separator may be a good idea?
I'm not so much interested in the monitoring tool which is why I originally didn't include what we use - everyone I am sure will have something different. I am interested to understand how people get the data out of NSX-T and into a monitoring tool (i.e. the method). Having asked VMware their answer was vRNI or NAP.
As I explained to VMware, NSX-V had an individual VM for each ESG, so monitoring throughput is pretty easy via the vmnic. However, each NSX-T T0 has multiple virtual interfaces on the same vmnic for multiple customers, therefore monitoring throughput is not so easy. As we will be sharing T0s between customers, we want to avoid the dreaded noisy neighbor issue by being able to place new customers on Edge Transport Nodes that have available bandwidth.
As of yesterday, I was also made aware of NSX Application Platform (NAP) which was introduced in 3.2.x to provide some of the monitoring capabilities that existed in NSX-V - Getting Started with the NSX Application Platform (vmware.com). However, from what I can tell this involves deploying Tanzu and I don't really have the time for that right now. Likely we will progress with vRNI and evaluate further later on.
Two requirements:
1) Alerting - issue notifications
2) Monitoring - performance statistics