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monitoring exchange 2007 server through Hyperic HQ open source

  • 1.  monitoring exchange 2007 server through Hyperic HQ open source

    Posted Mar 02, 2009 10:24 AM
    Dear All,

    We have installed Hyperic HQ open source (Windows version) and trying various options. One of our main goals is to monitor Exchange 2003 server. We could not get clear installtion guide to do this and are really strugling. We are able to see exchange server and basic alerts for Windows 2003 server but are unable to crack how to successfuly configure/setup for Exchange 2003 mertics for IMAP/POP3/Web/MTA etc.

    I guess we are missing some part of plug-ins for exchange 2007. I read in one of the document that it has to be installed on both Server and agent.

    Can somebody throw some light on the above?


    Girish Behere