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  • 1.  Monitor remote JMX without or processes

    Posted Dec 31, 2008 01:01 AM
    I'm trying to monitor JMX values on a remote machine where I cannot install the Hyperic Agent. I would like one platform to monitor the JMX values on another similarly to the way the HTTP service monitor functions. I can access the values through JConsole and have successfully polled them using the "jmx MBeanDumper" from the JMX Plugin documentation. When I look at the Tomcat, Terracotta, ActiveMQ and other JMX plugins it looks like it's using the SIGAR Hyperic agent to verify a processes existence independently of JMX. Is there any examples of connecting to pure RMI based JMX?

    I have tried to use the tomcat-webapp-cache plugin for a starting point. Neither of the commands below return any metrics. Any ideas?

    D:\Downloads\Hyperic\hyperic-hq-agent-4.0.2\bundles\agent-4.0.2-939>java -jar pdk\lib\hq-product.jar -Dplugins.include=tomcat-webapp-cache -Djmx.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myremotehost:7778/jmxrmi -m metric


    D:\Downloads\Hyperic\hyperic-hq-agent-4.0.2\bundles\agent-4.0.2-939>java -jar pdk\lib\hq-product.jar -Dplugins.include=tomcat-webapp-cache -Djmx.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myremotehost:7778/jmxrmi -m discover -a metric



  • 2.  RE: Monitor remote JMX without or processes

    Posted Jan 20, 2009 08:35 PM
    Hi Brandon,

    i think the plugin you are looking for is "SUN JVM 1.5"


  • 3.  RE: Monitor remote JMX without or processes

    Posted Jan 26, 2009 06:00 AM

    did you try to use the SUN JVM 1.5 plugin for your remote JMX monitoring ?
