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  • 1.  Mixing test and production VMs on a single ESXi cluster

    Posted Oct 28, 2015 07:22 PM


    I am actually looking for a way to merge ESXi 5.5 hosts in test and production environment into a single cluster.  The objective is to optimize resource utilization at it's maximum and I know I can control resources allocation with resource pools. 

    Do you have any advice or any recommendations about merging test and production ESXi hosts into a single cluster?  Do you have documentation or web site to recommend about that?  Anyone has ever did this?

    Thank you.

  • 2.  RE: Mixing test and production VMs on a single ESXi cluster

    Posted Oct 29, 2015 01:49 AM

    We have mixed since we started using VMWare in 2007. 120 VMs later -

    no implications. To us, a VM is a VM.

  • 3.  RE: Mixing test and production VMs on a single ESXi cluster

    Posted Oct 29, 2015 04:17 AM

    Please create a

    management vAPP and put all the management virtual machines in there.

    make sure to mention startup, shutdown order and time delay.

    set affinity, vm anti affinity, host affinity rules respectively to confine management VMs to 1st 2 or 3 hosts.