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  • 1.  Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 16, 2014 07:35 PM


    Wondering if anyone has any tips or advice with regards to migrating vcenter server to a new domain, either using the ADMT tools, or simply drop off one domain and re-add.

    It is running 5.5 with the database on an SQL server on its current domain (Say domain A), there is a trust between the domains so all of the links are in place. When I tried to migrate it to the new domain (Say domain B) using the ADMT tools it wouldn't start the services and gave errors, so it was reverted back to the snapshot taken just before the attempt to migrate it. So its now all working fine again.

    At the moment the database will be staying on domain A as there are other databases on the SQL server, it will possibly be migrated or replaced at a later date.

    So are there any recommended steps to migrate the vcenter server to a new domain, and give it a new IP address? Is it best to build a new one and point it at the existing database or should this be a straight forward task? Or even build a new SQL box and restore the database to the new it and rebuild a new vcenter? Ideally id just like to migrate it if possible and get it working on a new domain with a new IP?

    Any info would be appreciated


  • 2.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 06:06 AM

    1.) There  are not  recommended steps to migrate the vcenter server to a new domain. It is not supported scenarios but we can do one thing deploy the new domain and give the same domain name as old domain. And power off old domain.

    2.) We can migrate the virtual center to new machine with new IP and FQDN it is supported scenario. Please see the KB article VMware KB: Migrating vCenter Server to a different host machine

         As you want to migrate virtual center server you might need to migrate SSO and IS for that you need to follow the below KB


       IS: vSphere Documentation Center

    Follow the proper steps then you can successfully  migrate to new host in a new domain.

  • 3.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 08:01 AM

    So, in point 1 you are saying build a new vcenter in the new domain, give it the same hostname, but obviously a different domain name, so would become Configure to use the existing database and turn the domainA one off?

  • 4.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 08:38 AM

    No, It would not work because your FQDN name has been changed in this scenario . i was trying to tell you completely migrate domainA to new machine with the same name and IP. I can understand it is not possible then you should go for second option. otherewise there are a lot of dependency on domain name(FQDN).   

  • 5.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 08:46 AM

    Thanks I think I get what you are saying now. It will have the same name, just a different IP. although, if have to build a new one, then might as well give it a different name to fit in with a new naming convention

  • 6.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 08:48 AM

    Exactly you got it.

  • 7.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 09:05 AM

    So, in a nutshell, what are the required steps to accomplish this?

  • 8.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Jul 17, 2014 09:14 AM

    I don't have much idea about netshell. But i have already mentioned if you give new name to domain you virtual center service wont be restarted because it is register with old name. There is a way to change it also but not sure will work or not. Go advance setting --> there is a parameter where FQDN or IP details are mentioned. You change it and change log on services for virtual center server with new domain name. It might work.

  • 9.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Sep 12, 2014 09:00 AM

    So have been testing this a bit over the past week or so...

    This is what I've done:

    • Moved the database to a new SQL server (in the new domain)
    • Built a new vCenter server with a new name/IP and installed all the components (telling it to use an existing database and pointing it at the DB that was moved)

    When logging into the new vCenter server the hosts are showing disconnected...which is what I expected. I have taken one of the hosts and changed its IP and then added it into the new vcenter, with a VM running on it to test. So far it seems to be working fine. Few issues with update manager as it keeps dropping the connection and wont work. I assume this is a simple fix on way or the other to get it back working.

    The only real thing that I seem to be having issues with is logging into the vsphere client. I can log in fine with the old domain credentials (I assume its getting this from the database) but when trying with the new domain credentials it doesn't seem to want to log in and fails. The new users groups for the new domain have administrator permissions so should log in fine. Any ideas?

    So from what I've done, does anyone see any issues, or things that shouldn't have been done? I'm more thinking from a support point of view in-case I have to ring them for something, only to be told its not supported and they wont help.

  • 10.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Sep 15, 2014 04:06 AM

    This doubt you can ask in Microsoft forum. This is something relegated to Domain. After migrating domain to new machine what things need to be worked.

  • 11.  RE: Migrating vCenter to a new domain

    Posted Sep 15, 2014 07:11 AM

    The issue is with the vsphere client/update manager etc. Cant see what the Microsoft forum would add to this?