I have a cluster that is licensed for Enterprise-Plus. I would like to move the host over to a distributed switch. The configuration for the virtual switch is as follows:
4 nics connected to a host-The nics are part of an EtherChannel. The NICs are teamed with route ip based on IP hash. All of the nics are connected to the same vSwitch with port groups created for access to different VLANS
I have done the following to try to migrate to the new distributed switch: I broke up the EtherChannel and removed three nics from the virtual switch and assigned them to the distributed switch. At the sametime we changed the NIC teaming on the virtual switch to route based on the originating virtual port ID. I then migrated the service console over to the new distributed switch successfully. I created the port groups on the virtual switch.
The issue is when I re-create the EtherChannel the hosts drops off the network. I noticed the following: "See attachment"
Anyone using EtherChannel with Distributed Switches?
Any help would be appreciated...