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Migrating and upgrading a Nutanix Cluster using ESXi Hypervisor

  • 1.  Migrating and upgrading a Nutanix Cluster using ESXi Hypervisor

    Posted Apr 21, 2023 01:41 PM

    I have inherited an environment.  I will be 100% honest and say I have zero background on Nutanix environments.  I am 100% familiar with VMware and ESXi and vCenter outside Nutanix....The latest task I have been given is to move the two  Clusters to another vCenter and then also upgrade to 7.0.  Yes, they are currently 6.5 ESXi version in a vCenter 6.5 environment.  I do see 3 VM's with NTNX-XXXXX-A-CVM etc....are those similar to vCLS in VMware....or is it totally different.  I don't want to start migrating vm's off a host....till you get down to that NTXN VM and suddenly it kills the running VM's that were associated with it.  Even if you could provide a high level view of the issues that may/could arise would be appreciated, like I said 100% good with VMware on what I call normal hardware....not so much with the solution all in one box.  thank you for any insight