Hi PowerCLI Community, i'm pretty new to PowerCLI so I need your help. I have the issue to Migrate ESX Nodes from an vSphere 7 to vSphere 8 so I found a KB Workaround for it:
- Migrate dPG to vSS
- Remove Node from vDS
- Remove Node from vCenter 7
- Add Node to vCenter 8
- Add Node to new vDS and choose the appropriate vmnic and assign the right dPG in new vDS
- I already migrated the vDS from vCenter 7 to 8 with the same konfigurations, with somtehing like this:
- New-VDSwitch -BackupPath $vDSLocation -Location (Get-Datacenter $datacenter) -KeepIdentifiers:$true
I'm stucked at Point 1, you can go to the vCenter UI and click "Migrate Networking" is there any chance to rebuild this process in PowerCLI?
I have to migrate 300 ESX Nodes
Thank you guys in Advance
Cemre Guenay - IT Consultant - Computacenter