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  • 1.  Memory allocation problem

    Posted Sep 09, 2009 02:31 PM

    I have a ESXi 4 host based on IBM X3650M2 and in which resides two VM(VMa &VMb)

    >IBM X3650M2

    4G memory



    2G memory reserved

    In my mind,besides the overhead memory,there would be about 1G left for VMb

    But when I allocated memory to VMb,there is less than 100MB memory that can be reserved for VMb

    I checked the configuration of the host through VI client,in the Allocate Resource Tab, I found the "Total Cpacity" of the host's Memory is 2305MB,

    Does that mean , in a total amount of 4G memory there are only 2305Mb memory left for the VMs, and the overhead memory is about 1.7G?

    If it is ture ,the overhead is considerable

  • 2.  RE: Memory allocation problem

    Posted Sep 09, 2009 02:42 PM

    Several users reported that and I noticed it myself on esxi 4.0. You might wont to have alook at this one:

    Kind Regards,

    Gerrit Lehr

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  • 3.  RE: Memory allocation problem

    Posted Sep 09, 2009 07:21 PM

    ESXi 4.0 requires 2GB for itself only, so in you case you should add more memory or think about ESXi 3.5.


    VMware vExpert '2009