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  • 1.  Max VMDK size (Thin Provisioned) for Snapshots?

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 09:34 PM

    I have been getting Snapshot failures when trying to snap a guest with a 2Tb VMDK that is Thin Provisioned. Now I know that the maximum disk size VMFS supports is 2Tb -512bytes or ~2047. Typically when I am creating a Thick disk I always follow this guideline even accounting for the ~16Gb snapshot overhead, making my Thick provisioned VMDKs no larger than 2032Gb.

    However I didn't think it mattered when using Thin Provisioning since the actual size of the VMDK is far less than what is provisioned. In my case a 2Tb (1.999Tb) Thin provisioned disk actually has a VMDK size of 150Gb leaving plenty of room for snapshot growth.

    But after scanning the internet and finding this KB...

    it seems as though regardless of the Provisioning type (Thin/Thick) you must follow the standard of 2Tb -512bytes or 2047 and no more.

    Has anyone else encountered this? I guess Id just feel better knowing others have seen this too and Im not crazy. :smileyhappy:

    Thanks all.


  • 2.  RE: Max VMDK size (Thin Provisioned) for Snapshots?

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 09:38 PM

    It doesn't matter whether the virtual disk is thick or thin provisioned. What's important is the maximum size the snapshot can grow to, which is the provisioned disk size plus the overhead.


  • 3.  RE: Max VMDK size (Thin Provisioned) for Snapshots?

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 09:38 PM

    Welcome to the Community - yes that is correct the Maximum VMDK says hasnothing to do whther it is thin or thick provisioned but a limitation of thethe file format/SCSI access - 

  • 4.  RE: Max VMDK size (Thin Provisioned) for Snapshots?

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 09:43 PM

    Thats what I thought. Thanks for your help guys.