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  • 1.  List VMs with NIC Connection State and VM Power State

    Posted Sep 06, 2022 06:53 PM



    I am working on a script which is capable of querying a vCenter Server for a list of VMs which have at least one NIC attached but not set to connect at power on. The output should also return each respective VM's current power state and a few fields related to NIC attributes such as interface name, type, and current connection state. In my case, the data is stored within a variable and is exported to CSV or presented inside a PowerShell Grid window (dependent on user selection not included in the snippet below).


    Specifically, I have the following line which successfully (albeit slowly) queries my vCenter Server and returns everything except the present connection state of the NIC:

    $Report = Get-VM | Sort-Object name | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where-object {$_.ConnectionState.StartConnected -ne "True"} | Select-Object @{N="VM Name";E="Parent"},@{N="Power State";E={(Get-VM $_.Parent | Select-Object -Property PowerState).PowerState}},@{N="Interface";E="Name"},@{N="Type";E="Type"},@{N="Connect on Boot";E="ConnectionState"}


    While I suspect there is opportunity for optimization in querying the respective VM's power state (open to suggestions!), I am struggling with returning the NIC Connection State in the form of "Connected" or "NotConnected". The "ConnectionState" is presently returned as "NotConnected, GuestControl, NoStartConnected" - but I just want to know if the state is connected or not. I tried replacing "ConnectionState" with "ConnectionState.Connected", but the output is blank. I cannot help but feel as though I'm missing something silly, but I'm kind of stumped.


    I have reviewed the community topic below, but haven't found the right combination or arrangement of bits to retrieve the information I'm looking for:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  • 2.  RE: List VMs with NIC Connection State and VM Power State

    Posted Sep 06, 2022 07:01 PM

    Try like this

    Get-VM -PipelineVariable vm |
      Sort-Object name |
      Get-NetworkAdapter |
      Where-Object { $_.ConnectionState.StartConnected -ne $true} |
      Select-Object @{N = "VM Name"; E = {$vm.Name }},
        @{N = "Power State"; E = { $vm.PowerState } },
        @{N = "Interface"; E = {$_.Name }},
        @{N = 'ConnectionState'; E={if($_.ConnectionState.Connected){'Connected'}else{'NotConnected'}}},
        @{N = "Type"; E = {$_.Type }},
        @{N = "Connect on Boot";E = {$_.ConnectionState.StartConnected}}

  • 3.  RE: List VMs with NIC Connection State and VM Power State

    Posted Sep 06, 2022 07:44 PM

    Hi  and thank you for the swift response!


    I replaced the line I provided with your snippet, but added "$Report = " just before the first Get-VM cmdlet. It seems we're making progress - the connection state data is now populating. Unfortunately, the "VM Name" column is now returning the same VM name several times. In other words, I believe I see the correct number of network interfaces, type, etc. but the VM names are not matched. Please see the below screenshot:



    I suspect I need a foreach loop, correct?


    Thank you!

  • 4.  RE: List VMs with NIC Connection State and VM Power State
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 06, 2022 08:02 PM

    My bad, I forgot that the PipelineVariable doesn't work with blocking cmdlet like Sort-Object.

    Some blocking commands collect all the pipeline items before producing any output, for example Sort-Object or Select-Object -Last. Any PipelineVariable assigned in a command before such a blocking command always contains the final piped item from the preceding command when used in a command after the blocking command.

    When we place the PieplineVariable on the Sort-Object cmdlet it works.

    Get-VM |
    Sort-Object -Property Name -PipelineVariable vm |
    ForEach-Object -Process {
      Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm |
      Where-Object { $_.ConnectionState.StartConnected -ne $true} |
      Select-Object @{N = "VM Name"; E = {$vm.Name }},
        @{N = "Power State"; E = { $vm.PowerState } },
        @{N = "Interface"; E = {$_.Name }},
        @{N = 'ConnectionState'; E={if($_.ConnectionState.Connected){'Connected'}else{'NotConnected'}}},
        @{N = "Type"; E = {$_.Type }},
        @{N = "Connect on Boot";E = {$_.ConnectionState.StartConnected}}

  • 5.  RE: List VMs with NIC Connection State and VM Power State

    Posted Sep 06, 2022 08:21 PM

    Hi  ,


    Thank you - this works brilliantly and I'm grateful for your guidance! I am not familiar with PipelineVariable so thank you for the explanation. I'll read more about this for consideration in future projects. Thanks again!