I'm trying to create a list of VMs whish a specific ISO attached. However when I run the following, it does not tell me the name of the VM. I need the VM name to verify with the VM owner that I can remove the ISO as they may using the ISO.
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\VIToolkitForWindows> $vms | get-cddrive | where {$_.ISOPath -like "*2.0.8.iso*"}
Here is a snippet of the results:
IsoPath : [TestSAN-DC1-Vol1] ISOs/SMG_WinPE20_x86_v2.0.8.iso
HostDevice :
RemoteDevice :
ConnectionState : VMware.VimAutomation.Client20.ConnectInfoImpl
Id : VirtualMachine-vm-1148/3000
Name : CD/DVD Drive 1
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