We use vCenter Server v2.5 Update 3 and License Server is running on same hardware. All ESX hosts are v3.5 and Update levels varies from Update 2 to Update 4. In this thread () David Weinstein is telling with an example how number of CPU's are consumed from the License Server.
You can use 16 CPU Enterprise License "package" in different ways:
2 servers with 8 CPU sockets populated = 2*8 = 16 CPU's from the License Server
4 servers with 4 CPU sockets populated = 4*4 = 16 CPU's from the License Server
8 servers with 2 CPU sockets populated = 8*2 = 16 CPU's from the License Server
Or you can do any combination to fill out the 16 CPU's:
So far everything is ok and understandable, but when you add one socket servers to the soup things gets interesting. One socket servers consume only 1 CPU from the License Server and that is ok from the Licensing Server point of view.
Is one ESX Enterprise license (up to two CPU sockets) entitled to split into two one socket servers?
Yes it is, since U2 that has been an authorised usage for a FlexLM based licensing model
If not and one ESX Enterprise license (up to two CPU sockets) is tied into one physical host and it's one socket server, how should the License Server deliver CPU's from the license pool? CPU's in pairs?
not an issue, as it is a authorised usage.
Any good way to ask a report where the License Server's delivered number of CPU's is matching with one, two, four or eight socket servers? Or is there any good 3rd party tool for that?
not that I know off. the usage report only states actual usage it does not breakdown how the licenses are being utilised.
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Tom Howarth VCP / vExpert
VMware Communities User Moderator
Blog: www.planetvm.net
Contributing author for the upcoming book "[VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing ESX and the Virtual Environment|http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780136083214]”. Currently available on roughcuts