Hi André,
I have no storage, I'm just studying and trying to understand how this technology works.
As you say "IP Hash load balancing" calculates hashes for each "source & dest. IP" and this load balancing technique is required for a LACP configuration. So far so good...even better, with LBT vSphere can now detect that if the load of any given NIC into the same group has a load over a 75% of its capacity, then it will rebalance the load.
But my question is other:
"Is it possible to have a 2Gb connection to a single datastore using LACP or any other method for NFS and/or iSCSI protocols?" (host or vm level)
"Could you please explain me without detail the steps or considerations needed and the results obtained?"
Some parts of the documentation say that NFS v3 (the one that vSphere supports) will only work with 1Gbps (or 10Gbps) as only "one session" is supported in the protocol version. I have never read any documentation that states CLEARILY how LACP and/or LBT affects bandwidth...and that's my question.
I assumed that this was a very "silly" question but after asking a couple of colleagues I see that I'm not the only one with this question unanswered.