I am reviewing a vCenter 6.5 installation with ESXi hosts using VSS and notice that it was configured with 2 vSwitches for iSCSI. vSwitch1 has vmk1 with an IP of and only 1 vmnic associated. vSwitch2 has a vmk2 with an IP of and only 1 vmnic associated as well.
I am adding new hosts and would like to simplify the networking. So my question is does it matter if you go the 2 iSCSI vSwitches per ESXi host route, or can I simplify it with just 1 vSwitch, 1 vmkernel for iSCSI, and 2 vmnics that are both in active?
Also, if I do this, will this freak out vCenter if 3 hosts have vswitch1 and vswitch2 for iSCSI, and the new hosts have just vswitch1 for iSCSI?
Thank you