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iscsi RDM for SQL change to FCOE

  • 1.  iscsi RDM for SQL change to FCOE

    Posted May 10, 2013 01:47 AM

    Hi team, I have a question for FcOE RDM, can anyone advice? Thanks!

    currently my MS SQL server runing esxi4.1 has a RDM with iscsi direct access ,configured in windows servers. Now the esxi will migrate to 5.0, vcenter 5.0, storage from netapp2040 to netapp3210, protocol migrate from iscsi/nfs to FCOE only. I will use netapp snapmirror to sync the RDM disk to new storage, this no issue. but after the iscsi vol of the SQL RDM data disk migrated and MS SQL win server re-initiate this disk , how can I migrate this vol to a   FCOE disk? the iscsi license will be temperary trial license only. I am thinking to add a new disk to the SQL VM for the data with same size as the iscsi volume. copy all data from the iscsi vol to the FCOE LUN, change SQL setting to point data to the new LUN. will it work? Or let DBD do a backup and restore from iscsi vol to FCOE LUN? or a new RDM with FCOE LUN? thanks!