Hello Hadi,
vsantraces are extremely-detailed verbose logging that are typically written to a RAMdisk and a very small proportion saved to /locker (as they get rotated typically within minutes).
This logging is only really useful for troubleshooting issues when being intentionally reproduced or occurring presently.
My understanding of it is that vsantraces has two log outputs:
vsantraces - verbose output of cluster and object-level activity.
vsantracesUrgent - as the name suggests, verbose logging that is related to a problem occurring with cluster or objects/components, like in this case where components have changed state from 'active' to 'absent':
(" 'oldCompState: 'active, 'newCompState': 'absent' " e.g: old component state was 'active' component now marked as 'absent' , this type of event likely coincides with some other issue in the cluster such as a host losing connectivity to the rest of the cluster, a controller reset, a failed disk/disk-group, whether this event/status was transient or not can be determined by when/if you see the opposite logging for the same UUID e.g: " 'oldCompState: 'absent', 'newCompState': 'active' " ).
Are you using Log Insight configured for syslog?
If so then the following will make sense as to why vsantracesUrgent is being seen here as this is the default:
Please mark this post as helpful and/or answer if you deem it to be either and leave a comment if you need more info :smileygrin: