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  • 1.  is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 07, 2014 11:43 AM

    Hi. We have a x3850 machine with ESX v4 opsys.

    In it, there are 49 VMs, but I want only 26 to start with the machine.

    So, I have 26 VMs in "Automatic startup", and the rest in "Manual startup".

    But I see that only first 19 VMs start with the machine, and the rest do not.

    I would like to know :

    a) is there a (configuration) limit on the number of virtual machines that can be started with the ESX ?

    b) is there any log describing this startup process, so I can try to investigate what went wrong ?

    Thanks. Sebastian.

  • 2.  RE: is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 07, 2014 03:22 PM

    There shouldn't be any limit on the amount of VMs that can be running concurrently - at least there are none on ESXi5.x, but I can be wrong with ESX 4.

    The place to look at are the log files which can be observed via an SSH session to the ESXi as a root. The logs to look for are the following in /var/log:

    /var/log/vmkernel <- the log of VMkernel itself

    /var/log/vmkwarning <- the warnings extracted from VMkernel are dumped there

    /vmfs/volumes/<vmdatastoreUUID>/<vmname>/vmware.log <- the VM's log

    To best way to observe what could be going wrong in the vmkernel is monitoring it in "real time" is to enter

    tail -f /var/log/vmkernel

    and trying to power on the 20th machine by yourself - there you will see the initialization process by itself.

    Also, try investigating the 19th Machine if its VMware tools booted up - this is the safest measure for the boot-up chain to continue.

  • 3.  RE: is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 07, 2014 11:05 PM


    Maximums depend on the resources you assign to the VMs and resources of the host, but the  hard maximum is 320 VMs/host for vSphere 4.

    See also:




  • 4.  RE: is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 10, 2014 07:37 AM

    Sorry - it looks like I did not make myself clear enough.

    The problem is NOT with the number of VM's to be running at a given moment.

    The problem is in the number of the VMs to START, from the "Configuration" + "Virtial Machine Startup" list.

    I want to start 26 VMs, but ESX only starts the first 19, then nothiung to the remaining 7.

    mr Alistar : all machines start fine when manually.

    The problem is only with the "power on" procedure.

    I shall have a look into the logs ...

    Thanks. Sebastian.

  • 5.  RE: is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 10, 2014 09:20 AM


    As long as you have the resources it will start the VMs, there's no number limit on how many VMs will work in the auto-start list.

    Starting manually is not exactly the same thing as using autostart.

    Manually you most likely start them over a longer time period and the host has time to reclaim back the memory and disk, CPU is also be more active during boot.



  • 6.  RE: is there a limit on how many VMs can be started with the system ?

    Posted Nov 10, 2014 09:29 AM

    I do understand that there sould be no limit on the number of machines in autostart list.

    But my system has a problem with this list

    How can I debug this problem ?
