VMware NSX

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  • 1.  Internal Error Ovf Manager when i try to deploy NSX Controller

    Posted Feb 20, 2016 11:11 AM

    Hello all,

    I can't deploy Controller. I have this error : "Internal Error Ovf Manager". An idee ?


  • 2.  RE: Internal Error Ovf Manager when i try to deploy NSX Controller

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Feb 20, 2016 01:40 PM

    That appears to translate to:  internal error OVF Manager.  for more details , refer to the "rootCauseString" or VC logs

    Which is mentioned in a log excerpt from this KB, which suggests to restart the workflow manager service on vCenter:

    VMware KB: Deploying VMware NSX for vSphere 6.x Controller fails with the error: Failed to power on VM NSX Controlle…

    The same error also exists in older version of vShield, the fix for which is a reboot of the manager and vCenter.  There may also be some benefit in checking disk space on the datastore to which the controller is being provisioned.

  • 3.  RE: Internal Error Ovf Manager when i try to deploy NSX Controller

    Posted Mar 07, 2016 11:10 AM

    Hello Damien33,


    I had the exact same error as yours. Due to this dumb error message the resolution wasn't easy...

    The problem was that I didn't choose the right portgroup because this wizard doesn't filter portgroups from datacenter you defined. So be very careful on which portgroup you're using and if it has connectivity to allow NSX Manager to have network access to controllers in the Control Plane + Controllers in the Control Plane to have access to the ESXi.

    Hope this will help you.


    J'ai eu exactement le même problème. La résolution est vraiment simple mais à cause de ce message d'erreur assez peu parlant j'ai mis du temps à la trouver...

    Le problème venait du fait que je n'avais pas choisi le bon portgroup dans le wizard puisque celui ci ne les filtre pas en fonction du datacenter qui a été défini.

    Il m'affichait un portgroup d'un autre datacenter avec un nom très similaire. Il faut donc vérifier ça, et/ou faire attention que le portgroup choisi offre une connectivité depuis le Manager NSX vers les controllers et depuis les controllers vers les ESXi.

    J'espère que cela résoudra aussi ton problème.

    Best regards,
