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Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)


mlockettJul 03, 2007 06:05 PM

  • 1.  Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 07, 2007 02:45 PM

    When trying to install VMWare Converter 3.0.1 b44840 on W2k3 Std server I am getting the error

    "The C: drive does not have enough disk space to copy the temporary files from the installer. Please free up at least 120 MB of disk space on your C: drive, then restart the installer"

    This server has only 1 partition (c:\) which is 10GB with 4.01GB free. I can call the paths %temp% and %tmp% from the run dialouge so my temp paths are correct. I have even tried copying a 500MB file to the temp folder just to make sure windows wasn't reporting incorrect disk space and this works.

    This is a VMware Server virtual system I am trying to move to ESX and cannot shut it down to move it because of the "cannot determine guest OS" issue I get with Converter when trying to move VM Server image to ESX.

    Has anyone seen this, have a solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 07, 2007 03:10 PM

    Is your %TEMP% path very long? Try deleting the user-specific TEMP and TMP variables, and just using the System ones.

  • 3.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 14, 2007 09:08 PM

    I have the same error. I have over 170gb free on my c: drive and it still gives the error. I have also deleted the user temp variables to no avail

  • 4.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 18, 2007 11:50 AM

    I have had exactly the same problem and finally tracked down a solution (for me at least).

    The setup file that you downloaded extracts a single MSI file that will be placed in a subdirectory in C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\

    The subdirectory in my case had the name "\{5D4ABD6A-C317-4A3F-BBD9-AFFCADFB7BC2}" but I'm guessing that this may be different for you.

    Running the MSI directly from this location proved 100% successful.

    I think that the problem occurs if you have had (as I had) installed Converter 3.0.0 previously. This also leaves an installer in a similar directory in C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\ and I can only assume that this was causing some confusion, when trying to launch the MSI file. A further assumption is that the initial setup program is mis-reporting this because it assumes that a failure to find the MSI file can ONLY be caused by the failure to extract the MSI file and that this can only happen if there wasn't enough disk space.

    Hope that this solution works for you and anyone else suffering the same problem.

  • 5.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 18, 2007 12:35 PM

    Converter isn't the smartest.

    If you are running out of space on C: - you at least need about 150MB or more - just create a junction from "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations" to a directory on another partition with enough diskspace before you run the installer

  • 6.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jun 18, 2007 04:03 PM

    The problem is NOT the amount of free disk space. I was running this on a system with over 15GB free on the C: disk.

    I have only seen this problem on systems where I have had Converter 3.0.0 previously installed.

    Anyone from VMware care to comment on the issue?

  • 7.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jul 05, 2007 02:04 PM

    Bruce Leigh's Comment worked for me. Thanks Bruce.

  • 8.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jul 03, 2007 06:05 PM

    Anybody? I am having the very same issue.

  • 9.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jul 03, 2007 06:20 PM

    In this thread, there was discussion of the page file causing issues.

    Have you by any chance manually specified the page file settings?

  • 10.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Jul 29, 2007 05:00 PM

    I had the same problem and running the extracted MSI from C:\WINNT\Downloaded Installations\{5D4ABD6A-C317-4A3F-BBD9-AFFCADFB7BC2} worked as well. This was on Windows 2000 SP4 without ever having converter installed prior to running. Seems that there is a problem with the install package.

  • 11.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Dec 07, 2007 09:07 AM

    1. Start one install and it says that there is not enough free space. Dont click on OK.

    2. Start another install and it will work!???

  • 12.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Dec 14, 2007 05:17 PM

    I just deleted the c:\windows\downloaded installation\{guid} that contained the .msi, reran the .exe and it worked.

  • 13.  RE: Install Problems (not enough Disk space but 4GB free)

    Posted Dec 14, 2007 08:02 PM

    Bruce Leigh was right above. Just copy your install files into the c:/widows/downloaded installations folder, and it will go right on through and do it's thing.