Hi guys,
I've been asked to compile a presentation to my employer in regards to the future (next year) of their virtual environment, including but not limited to created a cluster of their ESX hosts across 2 Datacenters.
I've been looking around for as much information as I can get on the pro's and con's of setting up an active/active cluster across data centers that a in different geographical locations.
Can anyone point me in the direction of good information?
Here are a couple points...
The link beetween data centers is 10 gigabit (can possibly have multiple links)
Will have around 250 VMs across 14 hosts
This will be approached as a replacement for SRM
EMC FC SAN replicated at both datacenters
There are a couple things that i'm attempting to get out of this..
facts that are for and against getting rid of SRM
The work involved in setting up both the SAN and ESXi cluster in a production environment
If vCenter/ESXi5 offers a great oppertunity to geocluster than vCenter4.1/ESX4.1... I read that vCenter 5 offers a single vSwitch across an entire cluster??
How HA will/won't work in a geocluster
If FT can be implemented across a geocluster
+ any other points anyone can reccomend taking into consideration.
Personally i'm happy with the Active/Passive that is currently in place and utilising SRM in the even of a Disaster Recovery. The only driving force behind this is currently the cost that will be involved in renewing the SRM licences to a per VM basis and the fact that half of the current hosts at the Secondary Data Center are not being utilised.
any opinions are appreciated.