Hi guys
I performed a HA failover test today and i got some interesting results.
I did the failover i got the attached message popup on all the VM's that were running on the failed host - I also updated to VCS 2.5 U4 - i cant comment if HA worked before then as i hadnt tried a failover prior to this
Does anyone have any ideas or have seen this before?
ESX servers are all up to date - VCS 2.5 U4 - Running iSCSI to a Netapp 3020
The only errors im getting in VMKwarning are these but they do not correspond with this failure and have only been seen a few times in the last few months
Feb 24 10:36:06 sydesx04 vmkernel: TSC: 84142 cpu0:0)WARNING: Cpu: 1321: BSP variable MTRR #0 mask too small; resetting from ff0000800 to 3ff0000800 to match PCPU phys addr size (38).
Feb 24 10:36:06 sydesx04 vmkernel: TSC: 8943823 cpu0:0)WARNING: Cpu: 1321: BSP variable MTRR #1 mask too small; resetting from fe0000800 to 3fe0000800 to match PCPU phys addr size (38).
Any help would be appreciated