Even if I'm still not able to upload big files using vCeter or ESXi web interface, todayI've been able to deploy my ovf files.
Here is what I've done:
- Apply my Essential licence (previously, I was using the evaluation licence). It should'nt have impact, but I prefer mention that just in case.
- I have regenerated my OVF files from the VM currently running on my ESXi 6.7. Previoulsy, these VM have been exported enabling advanced options ( Include BIOS UUID, Include MAC addresses, Include extra configuration). This time, I've just exported them without advanced option.
So it seems my problem was not on the ESXi 8.0, but probably on my OVF files.
Thank you all for your help. Also, I didn't had the opportunity to test this solution but thansk to to propose a solution allowing to deploy an OVF file stored locally on the ESXi host: