We have a server running VMWare ESXi 5.0.
We're trying to use the Microsoft virtual images from here:
We've download the VMWare Player images, which contain three files, one of which is an OVF file.
In ESXi, we go to File, Deploy OVF Template, and we get the error message:
The OVF package requires unsupported hardware
Details: Line 25: Unsupported hardware family 'vmx-10'.
From reading online, this appears to be some kind of versioning issue - and VMX-10 images require the newer ESXi 5.5?
(For operational reasons, getting approval to do an upgrade to 5.5 is quite tricky at the moment).
Is there some way of changing/downgrading the OVF version for the virtual image, so that it will work on ESXi 5.0?