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  • 1.  If VM Guest OS corrupt in VSAN, FT will protect the VM or not.

    Posted Aug 07, 2018 05:56 AM

    Hi All,

    I am running VSAN 6. in my environment with three nodes. I am little bit confused what will happen if my VM guest OS gets corrupted.

    If my VM guest OS corrupted, and that VM is protcted by FTT policy i.e FTT=1. then the second copy of the VM resides on other host also gets corrupted? or it gets saved.

    Kindly help me in this.

    Needs the expert opinion in this.

  • 2.  RE: If VM Guest OS corrupt in VSAN, FT will protect the VM or not.
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 07, 2018 08:54 AM

    The copy would also be corrupted, FT is not there to protect you from OS issues such as corruption, it's there to replicate/copy the data.

    Consider backups to protect you from situations like this.

  • 3.  RE: If VM Guest OS corrupt in VSAN, FT will protect the VM or not.

    Posted Aug 07, 2018 09:53 AM


    The two machines are using the same storage and the second machine is basically executing the same instructions as the first. If the first was corrupted either on disk or an in memory error it would appear in the second. FT is realtime hardware failure protection.

    Check if the following VMware KB article helps: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1013428

    Please consider marking this answer "correct" or "helpful" if you think your question have been answered correctly.

  • 4.  RE: If VM Guest OS corrupt in VSAN, FT will protect the VM or not.

    Posted Aug 07, 2018 10:16 AM

    Thanks Diego and Rob,

    That's exactly what i was thinking. Thanks for the support.