Yes, if you have the model name of the drives you can use this in RVC to mark them all:
(run at vcenter_server/data_center/computers/cluster/hosts)
#vsan.host_claim_disks_differently --claim-type capacity_flash --model <model_name> *
There is also a PowerCLI method:
The section that covers marking as capacityflash with PowerCLI:
#Foreach ($vmh in $vmhosts) {
# Write-Host "Finding disks for $($vmh)"
# $esxcli = Get-ESXCLI -VMhost $vmh
# 0..1 | Foreach {
# $DiskgroupNum = $_ +1
# $Caching = ($esxcli.storage.core.device.list() | Where {$_.model -eq $cachingSSD})[$_]
# $Capacity = ($esxcli.storage.core.device.list() | Where {$_.model -eq $capacitySSD})[$_]
# Write-Host "Using $($caching.Vendor) - $($caching.Model) for Caching in Disk Group $Diskgroupnum" -foregroundColor Green
# Write-Host "Using $($Capacity.Vendor) - $($Capacity.Model) for Capacity in Disk Group $Diskgroupnum" -foregroundColor Green
# Write-Host "Tagging $($Capacity.Model) as Capacity"
# $capacitytag = $esxcli.vsan.storage.tag.add(($capacity.Device), "capacityFlash")
# Write-Host "Adding Storage devices to $($vmhost)"
# $adddisks = $esxcli.vsan.storage.add(($capacity.device), ($Caching.device))
# if ($adddisks -eq "true") {
# Write-Host "Disks added" -ForegroundColor Green
# } Else {
# Write-Host "Error adding disks: $adddisks" -ForegroundColor Red
# }
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