we can install up to 100 VM guests in a singale LUN.
For server VM use 10-20 VM for each LUN.
1. Should we mount different LUNs to each ESX host or al the ESX hosts can share a sigle LUN? Can those hosts access the shared LUN at the same time?
Yes, Yes
VMFS can share a LUN across different ESX.
2. Can we mount multiple LUNs to a single ESX host? Can a single VM guest use multiple LUNs at the same time?
Yes, Yes (the VM will not access the LUN but the files on the VMFS datastore created on the LUN)
You can have that a vmdk disk of a VM is stored on the first datastore, and the other disk is stored on the second datastore (for example...)
3. How to resize a LUN with VM guests on it?
In ESX 4 there are two option: grow and extent.
If suggest to do not resize, but simple create a new datastore.
For some generic information about VMFS see: