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how to listen to audio using the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client?

  • 1.  how to listen to audio using the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client?

    Posted Sep 18, 2016 08:21 AM

    Running Win2012 server V2 on vSphere v6 with HTML5 web client. The VM is configured with a sound card enabled by PCI passthrough.  Windows Desktop Experience is installed and the Windows Audio Service is enabled. I can see audio on the Volume Meter - so nothing wrong at the device level.

    My application involves broadcast recording and I need to be able to hear the playback from recorded shows, eg- for diagnostics, to check audio/video synchronisation, etc. Apparently the HTML5 web client simply does not support audio. Everyone recommends using Remote Desktop Connection which does support audio passthrough to the client, but that is not an option in my customer's environment.  Can anyone recommend a workaround or a proper solution to be able to HEAR AUDIO PLAYING ON THE SERVER.

    Incidentally, the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client has an annoying problem where it occasionally freezes for 15 seconds or so between web clicks.  This is so frustrating and time wasting.  And while I'm at it, this forum doesn't have an intuitive search feature.  So I have no idea if my problem has been encountered by other users of this forum.  Ok, there, I'll stop whinging (complaining).

  • 2.  RE: how to listen to audio using the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client?

    Posted Sep 18, 2016 03:54 PM

    I don't believe sound patthrough is possible via any VMware console bu I could be corrected there. The console is designed for access to systems for install and configuration purposes. RDP etc is hat you would need to use for admin or general access however if you are issues using that you can try other remote session software such as TeamViewer which supports sound passthrough and many others according to this Wikipedia article: Comparison of remote desktop software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I hope this answers your question

  • 3.  RE: how to listen to audio using the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client?

    Posted Sep 20, 2016 03:05 PM

    Thanks very much for your advice.

  • 4.  RE: how to listen to audio using the vSphere v6 HTML5 web client?

    Posted Sep 21, 2016 07:27 PM

    No problem, I hope this is helpful