Hi all,
I put 8 odd of my servers in maint mode, 4 got stuck. I have to go manually check them by going in vm tab & try to re-run the migration manually.
can i get a script which will tell which vm coz the stuck ? Also possibly why ? I kind a given a try .. but not sure what to use in the "????"
Also found for "get-vievent" below relevant again not sure ..
TypeName: VMware.Vim.EnteredMaintenanceModeEvent
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
ChainId Property System.Int32 ChainId {get;set;}
ChangeTag Property System.String ChangeTag {get;set;}
ComputeResource Property VMware.Vim.ComputeResourceEventArgument ComputeResource {get;set;}
CreatedTime Property System.DateTime CreatedTime {get;set;}
Datacenter Property VMware.Vim.DatacenterEventArgument Datacenter {get;set;}
Ds Property VMware.Vim.DatastoreEventArgument Ds {get;set;}
Dvs Property VMware.Vim.DvsEventArgument Dvs {get;set;}
DynamicProperty Property VMware.Vim.DynamicProperty[] DynamicProperty {get;set;}
DynamicType Property System.String DynamicType {get;set;}
FullFormattedMessage Property System.String FullFormattedMessage {get;set;}
Host Property VMware.Vim.HostEventArgument Host {get;set;}
Key Property System.Int32 Key {get;set;}
Net Property VMware.Vim.NetworkEventArgument Net {get;set;}
UserName Property System.String UserName {get;set;}
Vm Property VMware.Vim.VmEventArgument Vm {get;set;}
Get-VM -Location xxx | Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) -Start (Get-Date).adddays(-1) | `
where {$_.??????????? "Unable to automatically migrate from" } |select @{???}