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  • 1.  how to deploy vdi on clusters

    Posted Apr 05, 2008 07:49 PM

    Hi All,

    We have cmdlets for deploying vdi's using the new-vm -template. and also we can provide the answers from the csv file using the for loop.

    But in the cmdlet we can pass the parameters like vmhost or host but how to do this if i have clustered env.

    I have tried like this

    new-vm -name " VM NAME" -template (get-template "windows xp") -host "ESX Host FQDN Name"

    this works fine but if use -datastore it is giving the error message . Did any one tried this .......



  • 2.  RE: how to deploy vdi on clusters

    Posted Apr 05, 2008 10:24 PM

    It may be a matter of "-datastore (get-datastore $datastoreName)". It's possible that some cmdlets or parameters don't accept strings where they could and instead require a certain type of object as input. It's my understanding that these will be ironed out by release.

    Hal Rottenberg

    Co-Host, PowerScripting Podcast (

  • 3.  RE: how to deploy vdi on clusters

    Posted Apr 07, 2008 04:54 PM

    It may be a matter of "-datastore (get-datastore $datastoreName)". It's possible that some cmdlets or parameters don't accept strings where they could and instead require a certain type of object as input. It's my understanding that these will be ironed out by release.

    Hal Rottenberg

    Co-Host, PowerScripting Podcast (

    For now you should try, e.g. -datastore (get-datastore mydatastore).

    To clarify Hal's comment, we realize that this is a pain and you should be able to just say -datastore mydatastore, and we hope to fix this for GA, but we're not certain that this will happen for 1.0 GA.